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Dit zijn de finalisten van de Dutch Creativity Awards in de categorieën Craft & Culture

Het is Hazazah dat binnen de categorieën leidt met 4 nominaties waarna Ambassadors, Media.Monks, Buutvrij for Life en DDB volgen met allen…
Finalisten van de Dutch Creativity Awards in de categorieën Craft & Culture bekend
Finalisten van de Dutch Creativity Awards in de categorieën Craft & Culture bekend
Finalisten van de Dutch Creativity Awards in de categorieën Craft & Culture bekend
Finalisten van de Dutch Creativity Awards in de categorieën Craft & Culture bekend

ADCN maakt de tweede ronde van finalisten voor de Dutch Creativity Awards 2021 bekend. Het gaat om de categorieën Craft and Culture. Woensdag en donderdag volgen respectievelijk nog de categorieën Design & Digital en Society & Future. Ook wordt op donderdag het totaaloverzicht vrijgegeven.

related partner content for mobile comes here

De jury gaf aan dat het een lastig keuzeproces was vanwege de hoeveelheid kwalitatief goede inzendingen. Binnen de categorieën is het Hazazah dat met vier nominaties de meeste heeft binnengesleept. Daarna zijn het Ambassadors, Media.Monks, Buutvrij for Life en DDB die allen volgen met met drie nominaties. 

Business en Communications

Gisteren zijn de finalisten van de Business en Communications-categorieën bekendgemaakt. Hierbij was het N=5 die de meeste nominaties toegekend kreeg, zes in totaal. Gevolgd door DentsuAchtung en Joe Public, die ieders vijf nominaties ontvingen.

Dutch Creativity Awards - Finalisten Craft & Culture -


Category Project  Created by  Created with  Created for
Animation & Motion Design  Adidas - Futurecraft The Panics   Adidas
Animation & Motion Design  Adobe - Adobe x Keith Haring DentsuAchtung Bakehouse Moscow Adobe Inc
Animation & Motion Design  ASN Bank - The Scapegoat Ambassadors Selmore ASN Bank
Animation & Motion Design  Auping - The story of 1.5 million mattresses Buutvrij for life Shop Around Auping
Animation & Motion Design  Playgrounds 2020 - Main Titles The Panics   Playgrounds Festival
Animation & Motion Design  PlusOne - Manifesto PlusOne   PlusOne
Animation & Motion Design  The Bloodcurdling Story Mindwize Rogier Wieland Studio De Trombosestichting Nederland
Art Direction        
Art Direction Adidas - Faster Than TBWA\Neboko, Golden Wolf, Ambassadors TBWA\Neboko, Golden Wolf, Ambassadors Adidas Running
Art Direction ASN Bank - The Scapegoat Selmore Creative Agency Ambassadors ASN Bank
Art Direction Fair & Unfair Tony's Chocolonely x Herc, an Ace Agency   Tony's Chocolonely
Art Direction Malaria No More - Draw The Line Against Malaria DentsuAchtung dentsu International, Isobar Malaria No More
Art Direction Make Future Dawn Halal Greenpeace & Friends
Art Direction Tele2 - Funsta Vibe Indie Amsterdam, BlinkInk  code d’azur, GroupM, iProspect  Tele2
Art Direction The Ace & Tate Guide to Using Contacts From Form   Ace & Tate
Cinematography Adidas - Watch Us Move TBWA\Neboko   Adidas
Cinematography Appelsientje – Enjoy the sun DDB Unlimited Ismael ten Heuvel, Pink Rabbit Appelsientje
Cinematography Greenpeace - Make Future Dawn, Halal, Paul Geusebroek Zigt & Jalt, Daylight, De Grot, Mathematic Paris, Amp.Amsterdam Greenpeace The Netherlands, The Turing Foundation
Cinematography Lead Balloons Hazazah Film & Photography, Stephan Polman   Hazazah Film & Photography
Cinematography Mercedes and the Wind Publicis Groupe Benelux Publicis Emil Germany Mercedes-Benz
Cinematography The Knuckle Princess Hazazah Film & Photography, Robbie van Brussel Hazazah Film & Photography Hazazah Film & Photography
Digital Craft (UI/UX)        
Digital Craft (UI/UX) Framed FCB Amsterdam Media.Monks Politie 
Digital Craft (UI/UX) HackYourFuture - Behind the Source  72andSunny Amsterdam Stainless Sound HackYourFuture
Digital Craft (UI/UX) Netflix - The Queen and The Crown Media.Monks   Netflix
Editing  Centraal Beheer - Freedom DDB Unlimited Bonkers United Centraal Beheer
Editing  KFC - United by the Bucket MRTN   KFC
Editing  The game is on The G-Star Raw Family   G-Star Raw x BVB
Film Direction         
Film Direction  Bitter Parts Michael Middelkoop, Czar Amsterdam   Joya Mooi
Film Direction  Black is King Beyoncé Knowles-Carter, Walt Disney Pictures, Emmanuel Adjei   Beyoncé Knowles-Carter, Walt Disney Pictures
Film Direction  Centraal Beheer - Freedom DDB Unlimited Bonkers United Centraal Beheer
Film Direction  Haevn Hazazah Film & Photography, Bram van Alphen Asus Haevn
Film Direction  KFC - United by the Bucket Ismael ten Heuvel, Teddy Cherim, Pink Rabbit Cloudfactory KFC
Film Direction  Ladri di Patta Victor D. Ponten C41 Creative Production Company, De Grot, Sauvage Sound Patta
Film Direction  Nike - New Girl Wieden + Kennedy Tokyo, BWGTBLD GmbH, Caroline Koning Nakama, Trim Editing, Swiss Nike
Film Direction  Staatsloterij - Frummel Czar Amsterdam TBWA\Neboko Staatsloterij - Nederlandse Loterij
Film Direction  The Knuckle Princess Hazazah Film & Photography, Jacobine van Hellemond Hazazah Film & Photography Hazazah Film & Photography
Film Direction  Union Jake Luuk Walschot Abel van Dijk, Bandit.Amsterdam, Soundsright  
Illustration Tele2 - Funsta Vibe Indie Amsterdam, BlinkInk code d’azur, GroupM, iProspect Tele2
Illustration Wake Up Hedy Tjin The Social Club Canon van Nederland
Music  Camera Dream Johan Kramer, Sjam Sjamsoedin, Super Awesome Studios Halal, Western Productions Barcelona GUP Magazine
Music  Diesel Francesca Sizzer Publicis Milan, Division Paris Diesel
Music  Good Vibes Fama Volat Bente Fokkens, Top Notch, Amp.Amsterdam, Studio Bengbeng, WeConnect Jumbo Supermarkten
Music  KFC - United by the Bucket Cloudfactory Pink Rabbit KFC Netherlands
Music  The Story of the Speech of a Generation Wrong BV  Secretweapon ArmedAmgels, UtilFreedom
Music  The Sound of Uefa Woman's Champions League Erik Jan Grob, MassiveMusic Amsterdam Uefa Uefa Woman's Champions League
Music  The Voice of Katla Adventure Club, Reaktor Creative Boutique Animation, Högni Egilsson Netflix
Photography Bereft City Jeroen Hofman Micha Bruinvels 4 en 5 mei Amsterdam, Joods Cultureel Kwartier
Photography Daily Paper - Alien Love Lois Cohen, Cake Film & Photography Indiana Roma Voss, Cake Film & Photography Daily Paper
Photography Harper's Bazaar - Leadership Special Philippe Vogelenzang   Harper's Bazaar
Production Design        
Production Design Klangstof - New Congress New Father Boris Acket, Jerom Fischer, Eyeforce Klangstof, Doornroosje Klangstof
Sound Design         
Sound Design  Heyleys Fitzroy Andreas Wannerstedt Heyleys
Sound Design  Idfa -  'Real Emotions. Real Film.' Antfood We Are Pi  Idfa
Sound Design  T-Mobile - Unknown Caller code d'azur Big Orange, The Audio Agency T-Mobile
Sound Design  Walking in Steve's Dreams Big Orange  215 McCann Microsoft, Xbox
Strategy Omroep Zwart Akwasi, Gianni Grot, Buutvrij for life, Hammerfest, Media.Monks Havas, PRSSKD, Maak, Baas, 50+ freelancers Omroep Zwart
Strategy Sweet Solution Tony's Chocolonely x Herc, an Ace Agency   Tony's Chocolonely
Typography  No Finalists      
Visual Effects         
Visual Effects  96% Ambassadors Halal Lynk & Co
Writing An ode to technicians Steam Advertising, Bonkers United Initiative Media, Radancy Ministerie van Defensie
Writing ASN Bank - The Scapegoat Selmore Creative Agency Ambassadors ASN Bank
Writing Omroep Zwart Akwasi, Gianni Grot, Buutvrij for life, Hammerfest, Media.Monks Havas, PRSSKD, Maak, Baas, 50+ freelancers Omroep Zwart
Writing There are two sides to every story Open Now   Ministerie van Volksgezondheid, Welzijn en Sport


Category Project  Created by  Created with  Created for
Culture  Hiiipower Het Zuidelijk Toneel, De Herman Brood Academie & Woo Hah!   Young, hybrid & gifted youngsters with a passion for hiphop-culture
Culture  Kabra Xhosa   Xhosa
Culture  Nxt Museum Nxt Museum   Everyone
Culture  Studio Thonik Thomas Widdershoven, Arjan van Ruyven   Thonik OG bv
Culture  The Falconeer Tomas Sala   Autonomous project
Culture  Vote for a Woman 2021 Vote for a Woman foundation Sarafina Jozefzoon, Kirpunt, Nieuw Bestand, Zeppa, designers Vote for a Woman foundation
Culture  Womxnhood Stories Mahi Khalesi, Shiwa Safari, Team Womxnhood   Women in the creative industry

Partners Dutch Creativity Awards

De vernieuwde Dutch Creativity Awards komt dit jaar tot stand met de partners: Adformatie, Exterion Media, Thonik, Media.Monks, Ace, Talpa Network and Wacom.

Lees meer over de Dutch Creativity Awards 2021 in het dossier.



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